關於麻吉灶咖 Match2 Taiwanese Kitchen
麻吉灶咖提供不同的台灣美食,保證將客人的味蕾帶到台灣夜市。我們的菜單包括了各種風味、各式香料和色彩鮮豔的美食,例如麻吉蚵仔煎、紅燒牛肉麵、刈包、蚵仔麵線和鹽酥雞等。麻吉灶咖的數款惹味的麻吉鍋,一個熱鍋滿載着大量美味的食材,包括鴨血、臭豆腐、台灣香腸、墨魚丸、豬肉丸、肥牛片、豬肉、枝竹、鵪鶉蛋、金菇和娃娃菜。顧客可以把它們快灼或慢煮在豬肉雞湯,或是採用台灣進口的濃烈辣椒醬製作的麻辣牛肉湯,甚至味道較清淡、簡單恰當的選擇 ── 番茄湯底。
麻吉蚵仔煎配海山醬 Taiwanese Oyster Omelette
$78.00麻吉凱撒沙拉 Match2 Salad
$112.00大甲芋泥芝士肉鬆蛋餅Taro Paste, Chinese and Pork Meat Floss Egg Crepe
$78.00麻吉臭臭鍋 Match2 Cou Cou Hot Pot
台式滷肉飯 Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice
Braised Pork Rice with Oyster$118.00麻吉三小碗 Match2 Trinity Set
包括麻吉滷肉飯、墨汁鹽酥雞及蚵仔麵線 | Includes braised pork rice, deep-fried salt and pepper chicken and oyster vermicelli.$168.00麻吉滷肉飯配溫泉蛋
Braised Pork Rice with Soft-boiled Egg$68.00特色海島蠔滷肉飯
Braised Pork Rice with Oyster$108.00溏心蛋焢肉飯
Braised Pork Belly Rice with Soft-boiled Egg$78.00
台式麵線 Taiwanese Vermicelli
滷水大腸麵線 Lo Shui Pork Intestine Vermicelli
$62.00蚵仔麵線 Fresh Oyster Vermicelli
台灣牛肉麵 Taiwanese Beef Noodle
Beef Noodle (Beef Shank and Tendon)$112.00風味台式全筋麵
Beef Noodle (Beef Tendon)$118.00軟殼蟹麻婆豆腐拌麵
Mapo Tofu Mix Noodle with Soft Shell Crab$118.00麻吉古早牛肋麵
Beef Noodle (Beef Short Rib)$98.00藤椒牛肉拌麵
Rattan Pepper Beef Mixed Noodle$108.00麻辣麻吉古早牛肋麵
Beef Noodle (Beef Short Rib)(Mala)$98.00麻辣眷村半筋半肉麵
Beef Noodle (Beef Shank and Tendon)(Mala)$112.00麻辣風味台式全筋麵
Beef Noodle (Beef Tendon)(Mala)$118.00台灣香腸皮蛋青椒拌麵
Taiwanese Sausage, Century Egg and Green Pepper Mixed Noodle$108.00經典牛肉全家福麵(牛腱、牛肋、牛筋、牛肚、肥牛、雞蛋)
Assorted Beef Handcrafted Noodle (Beef Shank, Beef Short Rib, Beef Tendon, OX Tripe, Beef, Egg)$138.00麻辣經典牛肉全家福麵(牛腱、牛肋、牛筋、牛肚、肥牛、雞蛋)
Assorted Beef Handcrafted Noodle (Beef Shank, Beef Short Rib, Beef Tendon, OX Tripe, Beef, Egg)(Mala)$138.00台南沙茶海鮮麵(大虎蝦2隻,魷魚,青口2隻)
Shacha Seafood Noodle$138.00
麻吉鍋 Match2 Hot Pot
麻吉臭臭鍋 Match2 Cou Cou Hot Pot
可選擇小辣、中辣或大辣。麻吉臭臭鍋含有臭豆腐、豬大腸、貢丸、花枝丸、鴨血、娃娃菜、鵪鶉蛋、金針菇、炸枝竹及肥牛 | Can choose original, mildly spicy, medium spicy or extra spicy. Match2 cou cou hot pot includes stinky tofu, pork intestine, pork meatball, cuttlefish ball, duck blood curd, baby cabbage, quail egg, enoki mushroom, deep-fried bean curd sheet and beef.$198.00招牌麻辣鴨血鍋 Mala Duck Blood Curd Hot Pot
包含鴨血、紅燒牛肉、娃娃菜、金針菇、炸枝竹及凍豆腐 | Includes duck blood curd, braised beef, baby cabbage, enoki mushroom, deep-fried bean curd sheet, tofu$198.00麻辣牛肉豐盛鍋 Mala Beef Deluxe Hot Pot
包含貢丸、花枝丸、娃娃菜、鵪鶉蛋、金針菇、炸枝竹、肥牛、台灣香腸及炸豆腐 | Includes pork meatball, cuttlefish ball, baby cabbage, quail egg, enoki mushroom, deep-fried bean curd sheet, beef, Taiwanese sausage and deep-fried tofu.$188.00蕃茄雜錦豚肉鍋 Tomato and Pork Assorted Hot Pot
包含貢丸、花枝丸、墨魚香腸、台灣香腸、娃娃菜、鵪鶉蛋、金針菇、炸枝竹、豚肉片、炸豆腐、蕃茄 | Includes pork meatball, cuttlefish ball, squid sausage, Taiwanese sausage, baby cabbage, quail egg, enoki mushroom, deep-fried bean curd sheet, pork, deep-fried tofu and tomato.$178.00
古早味 Traditional Delicacy
砂鍋三杯雞 Stewed Chicken with Rice Wine, Sesame Oil and Soy Sauce in Casserole
Match2 sand ginger chicken chop$118.00砂鍋三杯雜菌
Stewed Assorted Mushroom with Rice Wine, Sesame Oil and Soy Sauce in Casserole$118.00
台式刈包 Gua Bao
軟殼蟹芝士辣醬刈包 Soft Shell Crab Gua Bao
$68.00墨汁鹽酥雞刈包 Deep-fried Squid Ink, Salt & Pepper Chicken Gua Bao
$58.00鹵肉酸菜刈包 Braised Pork Belly Gua Bao
台式蛋餅 Taiwanese Crepe
大甲芋泥芝士肉鬆蛋餅Taro Paste, Chinese and Pork Meat Floss Egg Crepe
Deep-fried shrimp mentaiko egg crepe.$78.00鰻魚芝士蛋餅 Eel & Cheese Egg Crepe
$108.00三文魚明太子蛋餅 Salmon Mentaiko Egg Crepe
$108.00軟殼蟹肉鬆蛋餅(辣)Soft Shell Crab and Pork Meat Egg Crepe(Spicy)
$98.00鹽酥雞芝士蛋餅(辣)Salt&pepper Chicken and Cheese Egg Crepe(Spicy
Purple sweet potato and taro paste egg crepe with conddnsed milk.$88.00
田園蔬菜 Farm Veggie
台式蒜蓉炒白椰菜Stir-fired Pickled Cabbage with Garlic
$68.00麻吉凱撒沙拉 Match2 Salad
$78.00🌶️香菇肉醬秋葵 Okra with Minced Pork and Mushroom
辣 | Spicy$68.00黃金茄子 Deep-fried Eggplant with Salted Egg Yolk
夜市小食 Taiwanese Snacks
Stinky tofu with rattan pepper sauce on iron plate(8pcs)$72.00起司咖喱蔬菜豬扒
Cheesy Pork Cutlet with Curry Vegetable$78.00麻吉蚵仔煎配海山醬 Taiwanese Oyster Omelette
$78.00🌶️麻辣臭豆腐 Mala Stinky Tofu
辣,6件 | Spicy, 6pcs.$58.00🌶️墨汁鹽酥雞配三文魚籽及辣味蛋黃醬 Deep-fried Squid Ink, Salt & Pepper Chicken with Salmon Roe and Spicy Mayonnaise
辣 | Spicy$98.00麻吉鹽酥雞 Deep-fried Salt & Pepper Chicken
$78.00寧夏鹽酥魷魚NingXia Deep-Fried Squid
$88.00🌶️台灣直送麻辣鴨血 Mala Duck Blood Curd
辣 | Spicy$72.00九層塔香烤雞翼(4件)
Roasted Chicken Wing with Basil(4pcs)$68.00夜市雙色香腸(墨魚腸,台灣香腸) Taiwanese Sausage Duo
$68.00脆皮蘿蔔糕配辣味蒜香蛋黃醬 Crispy Radish Cake with Spicy Garlic Mayonnaise
$68.00甘梅粉地瓜條 Deep-fried Sweet Potato Fries with Plum Powder
$64.00紫薯拉絲芝士球(3件)Purple Potato Cheese Ball(3 pcs)
$62.00墨魚滑玉米燒 (4件)
Seared Cuttlefish Paste with Sweet Corn$68.00紫薯粉地瓜條
Sweet potato fries with purple sweet potato powder.$64.00起司墨汁皮蛋豬排
Squid-inked Cheesy Pork Cutlet with Century Egg$78.00起司芋泥肉鬆豬排
Cheesy Pork Cutlet with Taro Paste and Meat Floss$78.00蒜香鐵板沙白
Clam with garlic on iron plate$98.00基隆廟口酥炸杏鮑菇(鹽酥)
Deep-fried King Oyster Mushroom ( Salt and Pepper)$52.00基隆廟口酥炸杏鮑菇(海苔)
Deep-fried King Oyster Mushroom (Seaweed Powder )$52.00
清新果茶 Tutti Frutti Tea
手調飲品 | Taiwanese drink
愛玉手打檸檬茶Aiyu Jelly Lemon Tea
$43.00蜂蜜柚子茶(凍)Honey Yuzu Tea (Cold)
$38.00鮮鳳梨綠茶 Pineapple Green Tea
熱飲 | Hot$39.00鮮柳橙綠茶 Orange Green Tea
熱飲 Hot$39.00檸檬愛玉冬瓜茶 Lemon Aiyu Jelly and Winter Gourd Tea
只限冷飲 | Cold drink only$39.00鳳梨烏龍冷泡茶 Pineapple Oolong Cold Brewed Tea
只限冷飲 | Cold drink only$39.00黑糖薑母茶Brown Suger Ginger Tea
$34.00桂圓紅棗茶Longan and Red Date Tea
$34.00蜂蜜柚子茶Honey Yuzu Tea
手作奶茶 Milk & Bubble Tea
手調飲品 | Taiwanese drink
麻吉珍珠奶茶 Match2 Bubble Milk Tea
可選擇熱飲或冷飲 | Hot and cold available.$39.00大甲芋頭鮮奶 Taro Latte
可選擇熱飲或冷飲 | Hot and cold available.$48.00抹茶鮮奶 Matcha Latte
可選擇熱飲或冷飲 | Hot and cold available.$44.00仙草鮮奶Grassjelly Latte
$47.00仙草愛玉鮮奶Grassjellyaiyu Jelly Latte
$47.00紅豆紫米珍珠鮮奶Red Bean Purple Glutinous Rice Bubble Milk tea
Pistachio Latte$52.00黑芝麻厚椰奶
Black Sesame Coconut Milk$52.00
芝士奶蓋 Cheese Milk Cap
手調飲品,只限冷飲 | Taiwanese drink. Cold drink only.
草莓沙冰芝士奶蓋 Cheese Milk Cap Strawberry Smoothies
$48.00蜜桃沙冰芝士奶蓋 Cheese Milk Cap Peach Smoothies
$52.00抹茶芝士奶蓋 Cheese Milk Cap Matcha
Cheese Milk Cap Pistachio Latte$52.00
其他飲品 Other drinks
手調飲品,只限冷飲 | Taiwanese drink. Cold drink only.
零系可樂 Coke Zero
$32.00可樂 Coke